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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
The weather was surprisingly hot here in New York today. Normally that would be a plus, but at this time of the year (christmas of course), I would rather have tons of snow.
Loving accessorizes at the moment. Those are gorgeous. Wondering if I should try to DIY some of them?
I have to start making my wishlist soon. Can't believe I'm so late this year, normally I'm already done in November! What do you want for christmas?
Competition: starting December 23, winner will be found on christmas eve (24th if any one should doubt?).
Blog awards: starting friday/sunday.


Kiki said...

Very nice string of photos, as usual! I couldn't really think of much I wanted for Christmas this year. I suppose it's just because I'm growing up..

Looking forward to this mystery competition! x

Unknown said...

love it

fabiola talavera said...

love the zipper bracelet, want it now.
happy new year (: